Hurricanes and Resilience in Hawaii

On November 16, RRH had its forum in Microgrids and Resilience. According to information provided by State Economist Eugene Tian, since 1950 there have been 14 hurricanes  in Hawaii Roughly once every five years. They ranged in damage from next to nothing,  to 3.5 billion dollars. Hurricanes Iwa (1983) and Iniki (1992) resulted in the loss of nearly 1,000 hotel rooms in 1983 and 3,000 9 years later. It would take Kauai 4 years to recover. What’s the probability of the next disaster striking Hawaii and causing power lines to come down within 5 years? 100% said Tian.


Allan Schurr Chief Commercial Officer of Enchanted Rock spoke on November 16


Hurricanes, Microgrids and Reslience