We are a community-based networking and educational-sharing group focused on lowering energy costs through catalyzing investments in energy and resource-efficient technologies, promoting economic growth, building communities, creating jobs, educating citizens, and protecting the environment in Hawaiʻi and the Asia-Pacific Region.
Our Mission
Renew Rebuild Hawaii promotes efficient energy and resource utilization by identifying and leveraging statewide and national assets, creating community awareness, building partnerships, and employing innovative solutions to resolve energy efficiency and resource efficiency issues. To achieve these goals, our participants:
Identify and leverage statewide and Asia-Pacific resources
Create community awareness and equitable solutions
Collaborate and build partnerships
Promote innovative strategies to resolve resource efficiency issues
Exchange information on the latest developments in energy - and resource-efficient technologies;
Facilitate networking and a new way of thinking about resource utilization
What the Consortium Achieved
Renew Rebuild Hawaii (RRH) is a reboot of the Rebuild Hawaii Consortium, a statewide networking and information-sharing group operated by a public/private sector partnership with the US Department of Energy, from 1997 to 2014. The Consortium had 700 participants and promoted efficient resource utilization by (1) identifying and leveraging statewide resources; (2) creating community awareness; (3) building partnerships; and (4) employing innovative solutions to resolve resource efficiency issues. The Consortium facilitated and financed projects, shared best practices and lessons learned, and provided information on the proven benefits of energy and resource efficiency. Some examples include:
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Project, County of Kauai partnered with the U.S. Navy, Kauai County, Kauai Island Utility Cooperative, and the State of Hawai’i to complete a study of the feasibility of developing a CHP plant at the Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility fueled by methane gas from the county’s Kekaha Landfill.
Analysis of Economic, Environmental, and Occupant Benefits of Sustainable Design and LEED Certification for State of Hawai’i and Public School Facilities completed in 2007.
Sustainability workshops and technical seminars addressing topics such as building commissioning, LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) training, life cycle cost analysis, integrated photovoltaics, measurement and verification of energy savings, electric vehicles, and sustainability.
Ni'ihau Island School Photovoltaic System – partnered with DBEDT, the State Department of Education, and Kauai County to obtain a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to design, procure, and install a 10.4 kW photovoltaic power system with battery storage which significantly upgraded educational opportunities for the students.
Hawai’i Air National Guard Compressor System Upgrade – partnered with the Hawai’i State Energy Office, Air National Guard, Hickam Air Force Base, and Hawaiian Electric Company to replace an inefficient and unreliable compressor system. The new system cost $161,000, and HECO provided a rebate of $13,233. Approximate annual electricity and water savings are $37,000 and $11,000, respectively, resulting in a 3-year.
In 2017, members of the Rebuild Hawaii Consortium, met to formally organize the Consortium into a 501(c)(3) corporation, named RENEW REBUILD HAWAII (RRBH). RRBH has federal and state tax exemptions and a Hawaii Certificate of Vendor Compliance.